Resource Recovery

Central Resource Recovery       Source Separation
Fundamental Approach

Mechanical Material Separation
Light Fraction       Heavy Fraction

Organic Wet Wastes       Wet / Dry Recycling
Thermal Reduction
Recovery 2.0
resource recovery

Resource Recovery and Waste to Energy
An exchange service has been established to promote trade in recovered Resource Recovery Facility materials.
During the 1970's awareness began to focus on environmental crisis avoidance and it seems that attention has been re-energized and re-focused with todays attitudes towards climate change. Individual ecology efforts starting in the 1960's evolved into multiple municipal and corporate projects including several major fortune 500 companies establishing Resource Recovery divisions to address a duo mandate of the perceived garbage crisis and energy crisis.
Most of these ventures embraced the 4R's Strategy culminating with a Waste to Energy solution. Check-out a Novel Approach to Waste Recovery.

incoming waste stream

Incoming Waste Streams
In general as an overview, in the Recovery 2.0 process the incoming waste streams are identified into the Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and the Inert Inorganic Materials fractions.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
The VOC fractions of the wastestreams include those Organic & Hydrocarbon wastes that are vaporized in the pyrolysis process.

Inorganic Fraction
The Inert Inorganic materials include a mix of Metals and Oxides, that encompass Metal and Mineral Salts.
The Minerals fraction include traditional Industrial Minerals and also a variety of Aluminosilicate Residues

Resource Recovery
During the 1970's a perceived impending disposal crisis combined with an energy crisis highlighted by a gasoline shortage spawned a movement towards Resource Recovery. The movement focused on the premise that every community would require a Central facility to process the raw waste stream to recover resources, generate energy and eliminate the waste disposal problem. Many major entities where engaged in the development of a wide variety of approaches to Central Resource Recovery.
Most of the programs shared some common physical front end challenges. In order to perform mechanical recovery of materials two preliminary steps are required, size reduction and gravity separation.

Separation Methods

Fundamental Separation Approach
There are two basic fundamental approaches to the separation of materials from waste streams, the segregation of good materials from the contaminates and the separation of contaminates from the stream of good materials. The approach selected will effect the engineering design and material handling system that is implemented. The different fundamentals will determine the market quality or output compliance of the sorted product stream.

Good from Contaminated
(know as Positive Sort)
The fundamental approach of separating good materials from a mixed or contaminated waste stream is a method used to insure the highest degree of quality (separation purity yield) of the targeted recovered output. The volume of residual materials will be dependant on the efficiency of the separation operation. The residual fraction will result in a concentrated version of the overall incoming waste stream. This consolidation effect allows you to better determine and manage the further treatment of the residuals.

Contaminated from Good
(know as Negative Sort)
Separating contaminated items from the stream of targeted recovery output (good materials) only results in lowering the contamination rate. A separation system that relies upon default removal of contamination risks the integrity (quality) of your entire targeted recovery output.

Mechanical Material Separation

Size Reduction       Magnetic Separation
Gravity Separation

Size Reduction - Size Fractions
Size reduction systems seem to have efficiency obstacles to go from very large to very small, and as a result most programs adopt a multi stage size reduction process.
An observation of several size reduction operations seems to find natural common size stages

Oversized - Oversized down to plus 6 inch
6 inch - minus 6 inch to plus 2 inch
2 inch - minus 2 inch to plus 1/4 inch
1/4 inch - minus 1/4 inch to plus 10 mesh
Fines - minus 10 mesh & down (fine particles & Powders)
(minus = less than     plus = more than)

To facilitate the Resource Recovery process the materials may be segregated into various size fractions to maximize the material handling optimization potential.
These common size fractions may define different pathways that allow for efficient processing and separation streams.

Size pathways create the opportunities for Automated Identification and segregation systems.

Mechanical E-Scrap Recovery
Material Recovery Facilities (MRF)       Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF)

Magnetic Separation
Magnetic Separation Systems are used in a large number of industries to handle a wide spectrum of materials. The recycling industry relies on Material Handling equipment such as Magnetic Separation Systems, Magnets, and Eddy Current Separators as an integral part of the recovery process.

Gravity Separation
Gravity Separation achieves the beginning of a homogenous classification.

Gravity Sortation is used on mixed materials to separate a light fraction from a heavy fraction.
Several types of gravity separation include - air classification, floatation, centrifuge, shaker tables and walking vibration and heavy medium separation.

Light Fraction
If you would like to make a market in Recovered Light Fraction materials, use this service to connect directly with potential counter parties.
Gravity Separation achieves the beginning of homogenous classification, segregation of a light fraction from a heavy fraction.

The light fraction is made up of mostly paper and light plastics, with the metallics, inert non-metallics and wet organics removed. This material makes an excellent feed stock for energy from waste as Refuse Derived Fuel RDF.
BTU values or bio-gasification projects

Heavy Fraction
Gravity Separation achieves the beginning of homogenous classification, segregation of a light fraction from a heavy fraction.

The heavy fraction is made up of metallics (steel and Mixed Non-Ferrous Metals), inert non-metallics, including glass and wet organics.
The steel can be removed by magnetic separation, the mixed non-ferrous metals can be repelled from the non-metallic materials, and optical sorting for glass from the other inert and residual organic materials.


Organic Wet Wastes
Organic Wet Wastes may be generated from a variety of sources including green yard waste, food waste, municipal wet wastes, sewage sludge, animal manure and other biodegradable organic waste streams.

Organic Wet Wastes can be reduced through aerobic or anaerobic digestion to capture methane or bio-gas and residual bio-solids. Batch flow through systems can be designed to control dwell time while digesting. As the organic materials degrade, the volume of material condenses.
The implementation of waste digestion systems may be used to increase the throughput and reduce cycle times compared to traditional composting programs which maximizes efficiency in order to manage large ongoing incoming volumes of organic wastes.
As a part of a Waste to Energy (WTE) strategy, digestion systems provide the opportunity to capture the potential value by generating Electricity from Energy from waste (EFW) projects.

Wet / Dry Recycling
Currently select municipal recycling programs are operating and perfecting the Wet / Dry procedures.

The Wet / Dry approach is found to be a much more efficient method of tackling central resource recovery versus handling the whole garbage stream in regards to materials quality, facility operation and maintenance. This is a system where the incoming materials are source separated into two streams, WET Organics and DRY everything else and delivered into two separate processing operations.

Wet materials are handled like any other organic waste stream and dry materials can be routed through the resource recovery facilities.

Thermal Reduction

Gasification       Pyrolysis
Hydrothermal Liquefaction (HTL)

Hot Gas Extraction
Energy Inputs       Energy Outputs
Residual Materials

Gasification and Pyrolysis
This technology is a tool utilized to assist in Waste to Energy WTE strategy goals. A number of variations of Gasification and Pyrolysis systems reduce hydrocarbon materials with a thermal reduction process to produce biogas, raw carbons and oils. Gasification condensing, or distilling in a gas to liquid, to produce bio fuels.

This approach is applicable for biomass, organic wastes, bio solids, plastics, and rubber hydrocarbon based materials for the production of bio fuels and Pyrolysis oils.
The Tire Recycling industry utilizes Tire Pyrolysis as one option in the scrap tire challenge.
This technology also provides a recovery solution for the hard to recycle UnSortable Plastic, mixed hydrocarbon wastes and BioEnergy Renewables.

thermal reduction

Hydrothermal Liquefaction (HTL)
The hydrous pyrolysis or devolatilization process is the thermal decomposition of materials at elevated temperatures in an inert atmosphere under increased pressures in the presence of a catalyst.

If you wish to buy or sell Bio Crude Please add an inquiry to the BioEnergy Renewables exchange service.

Hydrothermal Liquefaction (HTL) mimics, in a matter of minutes, the natural process that occurs deep beneath the earth, that utilizes heat & pressure in the decomposition of organic matter over millions of years.
The HTL process is applicable for all organic materials, food waste, manures, sewage sludge and any hydrocarbon waste including plastic, rubber, textiles, wood and paper irregardless of the moisture content.

To address the recovery of mixed waste streams any successful strategy must take into consideration the ongoing management of residual materials and contamination.

Hot Gas

Hot Gas Extraction (HGE)
The typical thermal reduction process vaporizes the organic fraction of the feed stocks and allows the vapors to cool at ambient temperatures at which point a condensed liquid bio oil is formed. This Bio Oil or Bio Crude may be further refined into common petrochemical fractions or purified products.

The Hot Gas Extraction (HGE) process targets the thermal reduction vapors before they get a chance to condense, thus capturing an efficiency by saving the energy required to re-refine the bio Crude. By selective purification of the gaseous elements, the operators may better control the desired output from the thermal reduction process.

The common primary outputs are focused on the selection, purification and recovery of Hydrogen and CO2.
The HGE approach allows for the discretionary option to produce Renewable Natural Gas (RNG)

Please note that the implementation of the Hot Gas Extraction (HGE) process will directly impact the volume of Bio Crude recovered.

Energy Inputs
The thermal reduction process is energy intensive since you are required to heat the feed stocks past the point of vaporization. The primary goal of the thermal reduction process is the decomposition and disposition of waste materials with a secondary goal of the recovery of green resources. The energy requirements to operate the thermal reduction process may be derived by diverting a portion of the recovered energy contained in the incoming waste feed stocks. In a normal product manufacturing process consuming any portion of the end product would be considered inefficient, but in the case of waste treatment any output of any recovered resource is a benefit.

If the net energy inputs required to operate the thermal reduction process could be generated from within a portion of the waste feed stock and no ongoing acquisition of external energy inputs are needed, then you can operate the process at a Net Zero Energy Cost. This energy requirement may be assisted with the primary input of alternative renewable sources.

Energy Outputs
The thermal reduction process generates a variety of BioEnergy Renewables flexible options to capture and segregate Bio Crude, Renewable Natural Gas (RNG), Hydrogen, CO2 & carbon materials.
One of most desirable outputs may be electricity. The BioEnergy Renewables generated may be segregated and marketed individually or may be converted into electricity.
Hydrogen and CO2 may generate electricity with the use of a hydrogen fuel cell or an Al/CO2 Electrochemical Cell.
One option is steam turbine generated electricity, combined with a closed loop combustion emission capture system, that may be used to harness the BTU or Calorific Value from carbon fuel & Renewable Natural Gas (RNG).

Thermal Reduction Residuals
The thermal reduction of clean homogenous feed stocks will produce consistent outputs, but processing mixed waste materials will result in the accumulation of a wide variety of Residual Materials. Any successful waste treatment process needs to have a robust and flexible Residuals Management system capable of proper handling the multitude of complex materials you may be presented with.
In a closed loop process within a sealed environment you may prevent the uncontrolled escape of emissions and you are forced to address the elemental regeneration of all the Residual Materials contained. This allows for the responsible management and molecular breakdown of any potential hazardous or toxic residuals as well as any non-hazardous or inert by-products.

The Resource Conservation Index
The Resource Conservation Index tracks market trends for waste material markets in three industry sectors. By capturing a daily snapshot of spot market prices and allows you to freely take a quick view of the past 7, 30, 90 days and 1 & 2 year trends.

Market Price Trends

The Resource Conservation Index tracks market trends for waste material markets in three industry sectors.
Organics Recovery - Waste to Energy - Resource Recovery

The 4 R's Strategy
Reduce       Reuse       Recycle       Recover

4 R's Strategy

Reuse, Secondhand, Remanufacturing, Repurpose       Commodity Recycling

For all the residual materials remaining
after the first 3Rs

Recovery 2.0

Waste Recovery       Energy Recovery

Waste to Energy
The concept of Waste to Energy (WTE) or energy from waste (EFW) is simply converting waste materials or by-products into usable energy. Historically the main focus of WTE or EFW has relied on the incineration of waste materials as a fuel to produce heat, steam or electricity. The evolution of existing technologies and the development of new technology has expanded the spectrum of approaches to include Gasification and Pyrolysis.
If you wish to trade in commodities or materials for conversion from Waste to Energy, Please feel free to ADD you inquiry to the WTE Exchange. You may also track the market price trends for Waste to Energy commodities.

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