Ferrous Metals Recycling
Used, Reusable Steel & Seconds
Scrap Iron & Steel

Railroad Scrap       Ship Breaking
Mill Prepared Steel

Types of Steel Scrap
Ferrous Metal Recycling info
Iron Energy       Direct Reduced Iron

Scrap Steel Recycling
The Inter-Continental Metal Exchange (IME) connects Buyers and Sellers of Scrap Iron & Steel, You may add your inquiry for the specific grade of scrap you wish to deal in and the exchange service will match you with potential trading partners.

Ask your Recycling Questions

Ferrous Metal Recycling Information
For anyone seeking current information or research data on the scrap iron and steel recycling industry, you may access and ask your Recycling Questions to a core group of experienced and knowledgeable recycling industry professionals.

Ferrous Metals
Ferrous Metal refers to iron (Fe) based metals which include Scrap Steel, Railroad, Ship Breaking, Mill Prepared Steel and Used, Reusable, Seconds. These ferrous metals are the most recycled metal by weight. These are metals are magnetic and are originaly created from the Steel Making process.

Types of Steel (Fe) scrap

Sheet Iron/Tin       White Goods
Steel Can Scrap

Heavy Melt Steel HMS #1, #2,

Cast Iron Scrap
Turnings & Borings

Car Body Scrap
Briquetted Oil Filters       Recovered Tire Wire

Sheet Iron Scrap
Sheet Iron (Sheet Tin) shall consist of miscellaneous iron & steel scrap items and may include light gauge pieces, galvanized sheet, painted & coated materials. If you wish to recycle Sheet Iron Scrap you may post your request to the online exchange. In most city's or areas with larger populations sheet tin is a feedstock for local steel shredding operations. In remote geographic areas that are not accessable to a local shredder Sheet Iron is compressed into No.2 Bundled Steel Scrap. No.2 Bundles shall consist of clean steel compressed into chargeage bundles with a minimum weight density of 75 lb./cubic foot. This grade may contain galvanized sheet & old metal auto body parts.

Scrap White Goods
You may list Scrap White Goods that include major household appliances including stoves, fridges, freezers, clothes washers, dryers & dish washers. Mill Prepared White Goods are graded as a No.3 Bundled Steel Scrap.

steel can

Steel Can Scrap
If you wish to Buy or Sell Used or Steel Can Scrap you may post your request to the online exchange. This material is typically generated from food cans from municipal recycling programs and may be flattened or whole steel cans. It may also contain Bi-Metal (aluminum/steel) beverage cans. CAUTION May not contain aerosol cans. Segragated steel food cans my become a feedstock as De-Tinning Scrap
There is also a market for Bundled Steel Can Scrap, which are compressed steel cans with a minimum weight density of 75 lb./cubic foot.

Heavy Steel Scrap
Steel is one of the most recycled commodities on the planet. If you wish to Buy or Sell Heavy Scrap Steel you may post your request to the online exchange. Mixed Heavy Steel may contain any combination of clean #1 or #2 steel with a minimum thickness of 1/8 of an inch. The exchange service directly connects generators of steel scrap with users of these materials.

#1 Steel Scrap
The scrap steel grade that shows the strongest worldwide demand is HMS No.1 Steel Scrap. Heavy Melting Steel #1 (HMS1) consists of clean steel with a minimum thickness of 1/4" and a maximum size of 60"x24", material handling compatible to feed a furnace charge box.
There is a premium market for No.1 HMS (2 foot) Steel Scrap that may consist of plate & structural or heavy #1 steel with a maximum size of 24"x18".

#2 Steel Scrap
A popular common grade of scrap is No.2 HMS Steel Scrap. #2 Steel consists of plate and structural (P&S) or heavy steel with a minimum thickness of 1/8" and a maximum size of 60"x18", material handling compatible to feed a furnace charge box.
There is a premium market for No.2 HMS (2 foot) Steel Scrap. #2 Steel (2 foot) includes plate and structural (P&S) or heavy steel with a minimum thickness of 1/8" and a maximum size of 24"x18", material handling compatible to feed a furnace charge box. (no hooking or binding shapes)

Cast Iron Scrap
If you wish to recycle Mixed Cast Iron Scrap which includes old broken or unbroken machinery, assorted size castings including oversized castings, you may post your request to the online exchange.

Automotive Cast
The exchange service matches anyone dealing in Sorted Automotive Cast Iron Scrap. This includes sorted broken or unbroken cast iron automotive scrap, brake drums and rotors or clean crushed motor block provided that no individual piece exceeds 18 inches in any direction.

Machine Cast
If you wish to Buy or Sell Sorted Machine Cast Iron Scrap the exchange service directly connects generators with users of these materials. Sorted Machine Cast consists of sorted broken or unbroken cast iron machinery scrap, not to exceed 18"x18"

Cast Iron Motor Block
Unclean Motor Block Scrap is whole or part cast iron auto or truck engines that may, or may not, have Transmissions attached. Clean Motor Block shall consist of stripped cast iron motor blocks, free of oil pan, pistons, and all foreign attachments.

Steel Turnings & Iron Borings
If you wish to recycle Mixed Steel Turnings you may post your request to the online exchange. The exchange service directly connects generators of, with users of, both turnings and Iron Borings .
The collection of wet turnings, borings or grindings from machining operations that are saturated with cutting oils require specialized material handling to contain the liquids.
Some recyclers densify or briquette the turnings to remove or reduce the free flowing oils, some use centrifuge filtration and others use natural gravity drainage dumping into floor contaiment and collection systems.
There is a premium market for clean uniform hot or cold Briquetted Steel Turnings & Borings.

Car Body Scrap
Whole Scrap Cars may be delivered to a local Auto Recycling Depot where the auto wrecker can dismantle and Prepare the car body hulks for further processing. The Prepared Car Body Scrap may be Flattened or transported directly as Auto Shredder feedstock.

Railroad Scrap
If you wish to Buy or Sell Used or Scrap Rail you may post your request to the online exchange. The exchange service directly connects generators of Railroad Scrap with users of these materials.
There is also a market for Used Railroad Equipment.

steel can

Ship Breaking Scrap
Ship Wrecking, decommissioning or dismantling of old ships yields large quantities of Ship Breaking Scrap. Amongst the steel scrap, efforts are made to salvage Rerollable Ship Plate and scrap ships are a source of Ship Propeller Scrap.

Mill Prepared Steel Scrap
Grades of Mill Prepared Steel Scrap ready for delivery in truck load quantities (minimum 40,000 lbs.) may be listed on The Inter-Continental Metal Exchange (IME).
The strict preparation of scrap materials must meet the grade specifications acceptable to the consuming steel mill.

Used, Reusable Steel
The Resale of Used, Reusable Steel items such as Angle Iron, Steel Beam, Plate, Rod, Bar and Recovered Steel Seconds including Tube, Pipe and Gauge Steel / Coils & Sheet make up a vibrant Steel Salvage market. Buyers and Sellers may connect by submitting an inquiry to the online exchange.

Iron Energy
The potential to generate energy from the oxidation of metals presents an exciting option in the recovery pathway.
The controled oxidation of metalic Iron fines, sometimes reffered to as rapid rusting or Burning Iron, presents the opportunity to harness energy.
Certain metals such as Iron (Fe) may be induced to oxidize in a steam reactor to generate Heat, Electricity and H2 (Hydrogen) as harvestable outputs.

Iron Energy

Direct Reduced Iron (DRI)

Iron Ore Beneficiation
The beneficiation of Iron Ore is a method to concentrate the iron oxide content and separate the gauge materials.
The conversion of Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) from Iron Oxides produces an elemental sponge iron, Please note this output is NOT equivalent to carbon steel
Iron Oxides may be reduced to Iron (Fe) with the use of Hydrogen or Hydrogen in the form of water or steam.

DRI or Elemental Sponge Iron along with Fe dusts or scrap iron fines may be oxidized with the use of a combustion or a wet combustion module or a conversion flow cell to produce Iron Energy.
Please remember that the oxidized iron may be regenerated by cycling back into the reduction loop to perpetuate a continuum.

Trader Access Subscription
If you are an aggressive trader (Buyer or Seller) of Scrap Iron & Steel, you may wish to Subscribe to the Trader Access service. This is a real-time service that allows you to receive new listings as they are added into the on-line exchange. These fresh leads are provided with the contact information and details that allow you to deal directly and immediately with the lister.

The Inter-Continental Metal Exchange is a part of Cooksmill NetSystems, this is a unique network of websites and on-line information exchanges that are operated for the benefit of the subscribing members.

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