
Automated Robotics

Automated Robotics in Recycling

          - Automated Robotics
                  - Identification Systems
                            - Optical Scanners
                            - Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
                            - X-ray Fluorescence (XRF)
                            - Energy Dispersive X~Ray (EDX)
                            - Near Infrared Reflection Spectroscopy (NIRS)
                  - Robotic Arms & Separators
                            - Air Jet & Suction Systems
                            - Grippers & Claws
                  - Artificial Intelligence & Simulation Software
                  - Digital Twin Simulation Software

      Technology Process Solutions
                            - Real Time Analytics

Automated Robotics
The possibility to capture real time data from the flow of a waste stream with the use of optical scanners with technologies such as Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) or X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) Dynamic Identification Systems enable the use of Automated Robotics in the operation of Robotic Arms and Separators.
These Robotic Arms & Separators can employ methods such as Air Jet & Suction Systems and Grippers & Claws to efficiently and relentlessly preform separation actions.

This technology development will fundamentally transform the ability to selectively "pick and place" random assortments of mixed material streams. This technology is ideal as a sortation method for the flow of mixed waste materials or single stream recyclables through a Material Recovery Facility MRF.

Separation Methods

Separation Methods

Manual Separation
Mechanical Separation
Size       Gravity       Magnetic

Automated Robotic Separation

Technology & Process Solutions
Resource Recovery       The 4 R's Strategy

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