Scrap Metal Recycling
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Battery Scrap       Electronics Recovery
Metal Residues

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Surplus Metal Inventory

Trading Scrap Metals
Metalworld.com provides an on-line platform that connects sellers of Scrap Metals directly with buyers, making it easy to find a market for scrap at any time. Please feel free to ADD or VIEW inquiries to Buy and Sell any type of Scrap Metal.

Ask your Recycling Questions

Scrap Metal Recycling Information
For anyone seeking current information or research data on the scrap metal recycling industry, you may access and ask your Recycling Questions to a core group of experienced and knowledgeable recycling industry professionals.

Scrap Industry Info
Types of Metals

Scrap Metal Trading

Metal Recovery Methods
Metal Recycling Operations

Scrap Metal Recycling
Our goal is to assist you in Finding a market for Scrap metals by connecting sellers and buyers. We provide you an opportunity to gain an overview about market value trends, grades and specifications of Ferrous Metal, Non-Ferrous Scrap, Exotic and Precious Metals recycling and other assorted Mixed Metal wastes and Surplus materials.

Trader Access Packages
Trader Access Package

Metal Recycling Operations
Typically the Scrap Metal Recycling business is involved in identifying, manually or mechanically sorting or segregating by type of metal or alloy and then packaging the clean sorted commodity according to market specifications. Alloys refer to a combination of two or more metals that have been melted together into a material known as an alloy. Scrap recycling operations handle Directly meltable metal scrap and metal content materials that are recovered in a refining process.
For tips on identifying metals and alloys browse the Types of Metals that interest you.

Scrap Metal Recovery
Pyrometallurgical       Hydrometallurgical
Electochemical Refining

Refining & Recovery Methods
For scrap metal items that are not easily sortable and Directly meltable, some sort of refining or recovery method must be applied. Metal content materials, residues and waste stream byproducts with a complex matrix must each be handled in a method determined by the particular materials contained. As a part of the 4Rs strategy we have outlined three main types of refining and recovery.

Thermal Refining & Smelting
The pyrometallurgical reduction or melting of metals, oxides, sulphides or other metal matrix residues, commonly referred to as smelting, is used to drive off impurities and by using fluxing agents can consolidate the undesirable components into a slag. The result of the smelting process is the recovery of a purified metal product typically in the form of a metal ingot or billet.

Wet Chemical Processing
The Hydrometallurgical method of leaching or dissolving the waste metal matrix into solution allows for precipitation, cementation, solvent extraction and reduction. Wet Chemical Processing typically suspends the metals in an ionic state facilitating selective ionic exchange or further electrowinning.

Bioleaching is a microbial process that utilizes microorganisms to perform bio remediation to oxidize metals. Metal Eating Bacteria (MEB) and specialty cultured enzymes have also been harnessed or developed for use in non-traditional applications like the recovery of gold from seawater.

                              Electrochemical Refining

Electrowinning is a process used to recover metals from concentrated solutions by applying a voltage across electrodes immersed in a concentrated solution. Electrowinning is commonly used to recover base metals such as copper, zinc, nickel, and cobalt.

In electrowinning, an electrical current is passed from an inert anode through a leach solution containing the dissolved metal ions so that the metal is recovered as it is reduced and deposited in an electroplating process onto the cathode.

Mixed metals are melted into a bar form which is referred to as a refinery anode (in the gold refining industry this is commonly called a dore bar). The refinery anode may be used as the sacrificial electrode as one half of an electrochemical cell and when an electric current is applied to the cell the selective electrorefining of individual metals by reactivity level is preformed. Selectively, individual metals may be plated onto the cathode in the form of a pure metal and the balance of the metals deteriorate into to the form of a mud or slime. Wrapping a bag around the anode allows for the capture of the mud.


Electromagentic Recovery
The electometallurgical method utilizes Electromagnetic energy for the selective recovery of purified metals through traditional electrowinning, Electrorefining or by harnessing the evolving clean technology of electrostatic participation, Elemental Solidification and agglomeration.

Additional information about specific types of Scrap Metal Recycling is available :

Ferrous Metals
Ferrous metals refers to iron (Fe) based materials which include all types of Iron Scrap and Scrap Steel Recycling

Non-Ferrous Metals Scrap

Aluminum       Brass       Bronze
Copper       Magnesium
Lead       Tin       Zinc

Non-Ferrous Metals
Non-ferrous metals fall into 3 main groups Light Metals, Red Metal and White Metals, all of these metals are non-magnetic. To obtain further recycling info choose the metal you are interested in :

The Light Metals group consists of Scrap Aluminum and Magnesium Scrap (Mg)

The Red Metals group is made up of Scrap Copper and copper alloys such as Scrap Brass and Bronze.

White Metals is a group that includes Lead Recycling, Scrap Tin and Scrap Zinc Recycling.

Exotic Metal Scrap Recycling
Explore information related to Scrap Exotic Metal Recycling. Learn about Stainless Steel Scrap, Nickel Ni, Cobalt Co, Molybdenum Mo, Chromium Cr, Hi-Temp Alloys, and details on exotic materials like Mercury Hg, Titanium Ti, Tungsten W, and Rare Earths.


Precious Metal Recycling

Catalytic Converter Scrap

Gold       Silver       Iridium

Osmium       Palladium       Platinum

Rhenium       Rhodium       Ruthenium

Mixed Precious Metal Scrap Recycling

Precious Metal Recycling
Find information about scrap grades, specifications and prices for recycling Scrap Gold and Silver Recovery. You may also learn about PMG Recycling (Platinum Group Metals) and Scrap Catalytic Converter Recycling.

Mixed Metals recovery

Mixed Metals Scrap Recycling
If you wish to Buy or Sell Mixed Metals Scrap, simply ADD your inquiry to the Inter-Continental Metal Exchange.
Several industries generate a variety of mixed metals wastes and by-products. Since these material contain a wide mixture of material, to be recycled they fall into a class of their own. These materials include E-Scrap Recycling, multiple styles and types of Battery Scrap and a mixture of Metal Residues containing a combination of metals.

The central resource recovery of waste materials typically involves the size reduction or shredding and progressive separation of the different fractions contained within the waste stream. One of the fractions recovered is a Mix of shredded Non~Ferrous Metals. These mixed metal shreds require further separation into the marketable grades of each of the individual metals.

Dismantling of Liberated Electronic Components, Mixed Components (sheared or dismantled) may provide the opportunity to produce Granulated Residue Nuggets or a Synthetic Ore containing a mixed matrix of metals complexes.
In addition to the recovery of base metals a comprehensive approach may be one method to recover individual elements of selective groupings of Precious Metals and strategic Critical Materials including Rare Earths.

The selective extraction of any predominate items results in the concentration of the balance of the materials which allows for the sequential recovery of Trace Elements and/or Residual Waste Materials.
This is a broad spectrum approach that encompasses the maximum range of recovery potential for any concentration of common and Exotic Metals.

Surplus Metal

Surplus Metals Inventory
If you wish to Buy or Sell new metals or metal products that are obsolete, end of line or liquidations, Please feel free to ADD your inquiry to the Surplus Metals Inventory exchange. The exchange service connects distressed excess and over stocked metal inventory sellers directly with ready buyers.

Secondary Commodity Prices
There are a number of Scrap Metal Price reports available that span the spectrum of scrap grades and specifications by individual commodity. These reports reflect current daily spot market, multi-year price summaries, historic prices, and market price trends.

The Scrap Metals Composite Index
The Scrap Metals Composite Index tracks the daily changing market prices in the scrap metals industry. The Index consists of a weighted basket of nine (9) benchmark grades of scrap metal and the Index includes snapshots of 5 viewpoints of market trends : the past 7 days, past 30 days, past 90 days, past 1 year and past 2 years.

Market Price Trends

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