Food Wastes       Organic Wastes       Compost
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Food Waste

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Food Wastes

Food Wastes are generated from a wide variety of sources and each waste stream requires a unique approach, method or process to optimize recovery

Household Food Wastes
Restaurant Food Wastes
Cereal Grain By-Products
Fruit & Vegetable Wastes       Rendering & Protein
Packaged Food Recovery       Surplus Food

Household Food Wastes
One method of reducing Residential Household Food Wastes entering into the waste stream is for individuals to Compost their own food wastes.
In circumstances where space is a challenge, communal composting may be practiced or on a municipal scale a wet/dry program may be implemented.

Restaurant Food Wastes
If you wish to recycle Restaurant Food Wastes ADD you request into the Global Recycling Network exchange. The exchange service matches waste users and waste generators directly online.
Wet Restaurant wastes may be handled as bulk Organic Wastes, meat fats and greases may be Rendered and there is popular demand for Used Vegetable Oil UVO

Fruit & Vegetable Wastes
If you wish to recycle Fruit & Vegetable Wastes, Please ADD your own Fruit & Vegetable Wastes inquiry into the Food Waste Exchange.
The exchange service was established to connect generators of produce wastes directly with beneficial users of the waste stream. Fruit & Vegetable Wastes from processing plants, distribution and grocery locations may be used directly as livestock feed (ideal for pig feed). Alternatively these streams can be diverted for composting or digestion.

De-Packaged Food Recovery
If you wish to recycle DePackaged Food Wastes Please ADD your own inquiry to the Global Recycling Network exchange. The exchange service connects waste generators with parties that can provide Packaged Food Recovery services.
There are companies that specialize in providing a food de-packaging service to separate food products from packaging materials. The segregated food products can be further processed for recovery and the packaging materials can be sent into the appropriate recycling streams. The packaging materials typically consist of metals, glass, plastic or paper, but there are some complex multi-material packages like tetra pac and Aseptic Packaging that need to be dealt with.

Surplus Food
If you wish to deal with Surplus Food Please ADD your own inquiry to the Global Recycling Network exchange. The exchange service connects those with Surplus Food Inventory with parties that wish to obtain Surplus Foods.
Food Donation Programs, Food Banks

organics recycling

Food & Organic Wastes


If you wish to buy or sell Compost or Organic Fertilizers, please make an inquiry to connect with waiting buyers & sellers.

The Composting Process
Composting is the natural process where organic materials and food wastes decompose into a end product called compost. This process recycles the organic materials, that would otherwise be regarded as waste products, into a soil conditioner that is rich in essential nutrients for plant growth and is often used as fertilizer.

The decomposition process may be optimized by reducing the various materials entering the composting stream into a uniform size. Primary curing occurs during the first 30 days or so and compost turning aerates the materials and aids in the speed of digestion. The secondary curing occurs over several months and is dependant on temperature & moisture. Once cured the bulk compost is ready for distribution or may be packaged/bagged for marketing.

Composting is a slow natural process and indoor composting is difficult due to the high moisture and corrosive nature while the primary curing occurs, controlled Organic Waste digestion may be a preferred method to manage larger ongoing volumes of wet waste streams.

Vermi Culture
Vermi composting is a fully natural process that uses worms to digest organic materials and food wastes, a process that is faster than traditional composting. At the end of the worms life cycle a material known as Worm Casings is produced.

Nutrient Recovery
Online Collaboration Group

Phosphorus Recovery
Nitrogen Reclamation       Potassium Wastes
Nutrient Recovery

Nutrient Residues
All plant and animal matter contains nutrients as basic elemental building blocks of life. Residual Nutrients accumulate in organic wastes, Anaerobic Digestion sludges and waste water treatment facilities.
One method of treating these Sludges or Bio Residuals is through the harvesting of a material known as Struvite which may be used as a fertilizer.
Common NPK fertilizers are rich in Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium.

Phosphorus Recovery
Phosphorus and Phosphate Recovery efforts are largely driven as a result of the tightening of regulations that restrict the discharge of Phosphorus from waste water treatment facilities into waterways in the open environment. The continuous release of Phosphorus (P) into the water ecosystem results in a concentrated build up of the P. High levels of phosphorus promotes the growth of Algae blooms which produce algal toxins that can be harmful to both human and animal health.

Various methods of Phosphorus Recovery are currently employed or being explored. One such treatment approach uses the controlled growth of Algae, at the point of origin, to reduce P discharge.
Other efforts are focused on the production of value added streams such as Ferro Phosphorus and industrial Phosphates, as well as fertilizers and Soil Amendment materials.

Nitrogen Reclamation
The concentration of Nitrogen in organic wastes, sludges and Bio Residuals provides the opportunity for Nitrogen Reclamation.

Management systems for Manure & Animal Waste better allow for the control of concentration levels of elements such as nitrogen and other accumulated nutrients.

Potassium Waste
There are a number of common sources of Potassium Wastes which may include Potassium Oxide (K2O) found as a content in certain Residual Aluminosilicate Materials.
The use of Hydroxide materials such as KOH may play a key role in exothermic energy generation or may act as an absorbant to assist in the capture of CO2.

Residuals Management
The consolidation of trace elements from waste stream residues and sludges is the natural flow point for the opportunity for the concentration and recovery of inorganic minerals, nutrients and heavy metals.

The potential exists to capture values from late stage waste streams such as residues and sludges or Solid Recovered Fuel SRF, as feedstocks for the elemental thermal disposition in a Bio-Refinery.


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