Flow Cell Design
Although a flow cell may be custom designed to meet any size, shape or process through put,
there may be a distinct advantage in the development of a universal
approach that supports rapid deployment of
a duplicatable design.
By creating a Universal Flow Cell design with maximum flexibility built in by utilizing easily swapable core components
that result in a custom processing ability of multiple product streams.
One of the fundamental cornerstone strengths of this strategy is the ability to
rapidly (seamlessly) respond and adapt to current market conditions and changing raw wastestream inputs.
Symbiotic Benefits
The implementation of Flow Cells for the Conversion of resources from a broad range of wastestreams
may provide some extraordinary Symbiotic Benefits.
During the procedure of refining or processing of waste materials to obtain a yield of the recovered recyclable
a unique opportunity presents itself to harvest energy directly from the specific properties of the waste material being handled
and from the process used.
Mixed HydroCarbons Pipeline
PCS # 001 -
Carbon Based Waststream Pyrolysis
PCS # 002 -
Pyrolysis Syngas / Biogas
PCS # 003 -
Renewable Natural Gas (RNG)
PCS # 003 -
Methane Pyrolysis
CO2 Cycle Pipeline
PCS # 001 -
CO2 Cycle
PCS # 002 -
CO2 Recovery Stages
PCS # 003 -
Solid Carbon Recovery
Water/Steam Pipeline
PCS # 001 -
Brine & Waste Water
PCS # 002 -
Steam Energy Harvesting
PCS # 003 -
Condensing Modules
PCS # 004 -
Hydro/Water Regeneration Cycle
PCS # 005 -
Clean Water Output
Compressed Air Pipeline
PCS # 001 -
Compressed Air
PCS # 002 -
Compressed Air Expansion Cooling
PCS # 003 -
Pumped Heat Energy Storage
Energy Harvesting
PCS # 001 -
Light Energy Harvesting
PCS # 002 -
Thermal Energy Harvesting
PCS # 003 -
Electromagnetic Induction
PCS # 004 -
ElectroStatic Triboelectric Energy
PCS # 005 -
Sound/Pressure & Vibration Piezoelectric Energy
PCS # 006 -
RF - Radio Frequency Energy
PCS # 007 -
Electrochemical Cells
PCS # 008 -
Direct to Electricity
PCS # 009 -
Air Flow Systems
PCS # 009 -
Hybrid Energy Systems
Metals & Minerals Recovery
RDP # 001 -
Calcium Cycle
RDP # 002 -
Oxide Reduction/Displacement
RDP # 003 -
Molten Media Extraction
RDP # 004 -
Hydrometallurgy Acid Extraction
RDP # 005 -
Mineral Salts
Modular Harvesting Concepts
The design of a standardized framework to house individual harvesting modules such as Conversion
Flow Cells,
may allow for the ease and flexible implementation
of multiple styles or types of harvesting systems.
The concept of the development of a universal harvesting cube to act as a generic uniform frame structure that is stackable
to fit into a variety of flexible configuration options.
The creation of an unlimited number of stackable cubes that may be installed, as required, in order to maximize
energy harvesting opportunities.
The standardized dimensional framework structure of the cubes may contain individually customized or
mass duplicated harvesting modules as desired.
The design of each individual harvesting module contained within each of the cubes remains flexible and highly versatile.
Harvesting energy from the ambient environment or from strategically placed cubes in specific preselected surroundings may optimize
the energy harnessing opportunities even in retrofit situations.
Harvesting units contained within the cubes may be custom tuned for energy sources such as light, heat, vibration, air flow etc.
as the situational needs dictate.