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Waste Materials Markets
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Waste Materials Markets
A vibrant market exists for waste materials, by-products and scrap commodities of all types. The challenge is to provide easy access and connections between generators of waste materials and users of those materials. A common misunderstanding has been perpetuated when the choice is made to not handle a particular type of material in a local recycling program and shade is then cast upon the ability to recycle that material.

Recycling Marketplace
Browse the recycling industry segments to learn more about any specific sector of interest. Virtually all materials are recyclable if you have efficient access to current market participants. Waste.net has focused its efforts on the development of a market for waste materials and by-products.

You may add or view listings in the Exchange Service which directly connects waste material generators with end users of by-products and scrap.

Market Connections
Waste.net offers the opportunity to collaborate with a network of active market participants. By expressing Your Needs the industry community may be able to assist in finding or developing a market for your scrap, waste or by-products.

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