
Secondary Commodity Price Reports
Scrap Commodity Pricing and Recycling Market Trend Information

Waste.net is a member of a worldwide network of regional online exchanges which facilitate the trade of scrap and recyclable commodities. Activity from the network of online exchanges and other external data, including surveys is compiled to produce a variety of price reports.
Information contained in the spot market prices, market trend reports and the historical pricing data is generated from internal proprietary data from the Cooksmill NetSystems network and may not reflect external markets or transactions.

Price Flow Chart

There are multiple formats of Price Reports available to suit your needs. From individual current spot market prices and forward going composite price index and trend information to various historical price reports depending on the amount of granular detail you wish to access.

Current Prices

Todays Current Spot Market Prices
Todays Current Spot Market Prices

Full access to daily prices available with a Basic Membership.

Composite Index
Composite Index

Current Spot Market Prices (TL & LTL)
Market Price Trends for weighted basket of benchmark grades

Historical Prices

Average Price Summary
Average Price Summary

Monthly high/low/average spot market price summaries for each month over multiple years, by specific grade of material

Previous 12 Month Summary
12 Month Spot Market Price Report

Detailed daily spot market prices for each month of the previous 12 months, by specific grade of material (TL & LTL)

Detailed Quarterly or Annual Historical Reports
Detailed Quarterly or Annual Historical Reports

Monthly, Quarterly, Annual graphs. Detailed daily spot market prices, by specific grade of material (TL & LTL)

Ask your Recycling Questions

Waste & Recycling Information
For anyone seeking current information or research data on the waste and recycling industry, you may access and ask your Recycling Questions to a core group of experienced and knowledgeable recycling industry professionals.

Other Price Reports
A number of Custom and Additional Price Reports are also available.

Multi-Year Spot Market Price

Multi-Year Spot Market Price Summary

Annual price summary of the historical high, low and yearly average
of the spot market prices by specific grade of material.

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