
Air Flow Funnel/Tunnel       Air Circulation Harvester


wind on demand
Wind Funnel

Air Flow Funnel/Tunnel
The Air Flow Funnel or Wind Tunnel system is designed in Five basic Segments, from the air intake the air flow is directed threw a series of air flow harvesting modules and then fed into the direct air capture system and then passes through the Internal Air Intake Zone and exits into the air exhaust management system.
The tunnel concept is designed to be located as a basement or below ground level construction while the ambient intake and exhaust units are elevated above ground level.

Stage # 1. - Air Intake
The first stage of The Air Flow Funnel or Wind Tunnel system is the Ambient Air Intake. This system is designed to capture the natural flow of wind and is limited by the dimensions of the intake capture chamber. If the stationary capture mechanism is allowed to swivel 360 degrees it may be designed with a tail fin to follow the direction of the wind to maximize capture potential.

Stage # 2. - Air Flow Harvesting
The second stage of The Air Flow Funnel or Wind Tunnel system is comprised of a number of options to deploy wind or air flow harvesting modules. These options may include an Ionic wind harvester, traditional horizontal wind turbine, vertical or wind wheel modules. Inherent in wind energy harvesting is the vibration and sound pressures that are generated. An effort may be extended to absorb the vibrational energy to both harvest this energy and dampen vibration and sound.

Stage # 3. - Direct Air Capture System
The third stage of The Air Flow Funnel or Wind Tunnel system is focused around a direct air capture System which filters particulates, reduces moisture and may provide the opportunity to capture CO2 This results in the output of clean dry air.

Stage # 4. - Internal Air Flow Intake Zone
In the fourth stage of The Air Flow Funnel or Wind Tunnel system the clean dry air passes through the Internal Air Flow Intake Zone. At this stage there is an opportunity to supply the air flow feed requirements of the internal working air and air compression systems.
Any air drawn into the internal system will result in an increase in the volume of air drawn into the ambient intake funnel and moving through the wind tunnel system. The speed & volume of internal intake will increase the velocity of air flow across the entire system. The amplification of this air draw intensity will result in an increased yield in the energy harvesting modules.

Stage # 5. - Air Exhaust Management System
The fifth stage of The Air Flow Funnel or Wind Tunnel system is the Air Exhaust Management System. Waste heat derived from within the Recovery 2.0 system may be utilized to cause a chimney effect within the exhaust module. This chimney effect may act as a driver for the BASIC AIR DRAW across the entire Funnel/Tunnel system.


Solar Chimney
Exhaust air flows generated from within the Recovery 2.0 system may be channeled into a central exit point that is designed to act as a Solar Chimney.
A Solar Chimney operates on the principal of the greenhouse effect where incoming light/heat is trapped or confined beneath a transparent barrier (typically glass or plastic). The confined air flow is funneled towards the chimney and accelerates in velocity as the air is heated by the greenhouse effect.
The exiting air flow may be harvested to extract wind energy as the rising air flow passes through the chimney.

Secondary Wind Cycles
The versatile properties of air lends itself to continuos rapid regeneration cycles where the air may be manipulated on demand to change temperature or velocity.
Air flows that are generated within the Recovery 2.0 process may be tapped into multiple times enabling the air resource to start a fresh cycle of work or energy harvesting.

The option to draw air flow from a source such as a Bio Lung is an alternative to drawing in additional fresh air flow from the ambient outdoor environment.
The Bio Lung system provides a buffer storage that facilitates the concept of Secondary Wind Cycles or the use of the same air several time within the Recovery 2.0 system.


Harvesting the Wind
typical stages of a Wind/Air harvest system

Ambient Wind       Artifical Wind
Direct Air Capture
Ionic Wind       Exhaust Air Harvest

Wind       Tunnel       Funnel
Direct Air Capture       CO2 Splitting
Tuesday, 14-Jan-2025 16:56:59 EST 299