Seebeck Co-Efficient
volts per kelvin (V/K) - relative to platinum
Seebeck Electric Generator Devices
Reactivity Series

  #   Sym Element Name V/K Rank Melting Point Reactivity
34 Se Selenium 900 220.8 xx
52 Te Tellurium 500 449.51 xx
14 Si Silicon 440 1414 xx
32 Ge Germanium 330 938 xx
51 Sb Antimony 47 631 xx
NiCr Nichrome 25 1,400 xx
26 Fe Iron 19 1538 xx
42 Mo Molybdenum 10 2623 xx
48 Cd Cadmium 7.5 321 xx
74 W Tungsten 7.5 3400 xx
79 Au Gold 6.5 1064 xx
47 Ag Silver 6.5 962 xx
29 Cu Copper 6.5 1085 xx
45 Rh Rhodium 6.0 1963 xx
73 Ta Tantalum 4.5 2980 xx
82 Pb Lead 4.0 327 xx
13 Al Aluminium 3.5 660 xx
6 C Carbon 3.0 +3000 xx
80 Hg Mercury 0.6 -39 xx
78 Pt Platinum 0 1768 xx
11 Na Sodium -2.0 98 xx
19 K Potassium -9.0 64 xx
28 Ni Nickel -15 1455 xx
CuNi Constantan -35 1210 xx
83 Bi Bismuth -72 271 xx

The Seebeck Coefficient
is the voltage built up when a
temperature gradient is applied to a material

Seebeck Effect Devices
Simple Seebeck Electric Generator

Simple Seebeck Electric Generator

Simple Seebeck Electric Generator
Seebeck Effect Devices
A Simple Seebeck Electric Generator (SSEG) is a Solid State Device that harvests direct to electricity energy.
A Simple Seebeck Electric Generator (SSEG) is constructed with a conductive material that connects between a hot side heat source and a cold side heat sink.
The connections between the hot side and cold side are thermally connected through the SSEG device, but the Hot/Cold junctions remain electrically insolated by a barrier layer from the Seebeck conductive core.

The Seebeck Generator acts as a heat exchanger that allows the thermal flow to create a temperature gradient as it passes through the SSEG device.
All the known understanding of the Seebeck Co-Efficient V/K Rankings of different materials and the temperature gradient multiple effects apply to this Simple Seebeck Electric Generator (SSEG).

The device is designed to avoid any potential irrevocable thermal/electrical conflicts that may arise from the use of thermal couple materials. This thermal/electrical conflict effect may have been a major hurtle in the advancement of Thermo Electric Generators (TEG) for many years.

The Simple Seebeck Electric Generator (SSEG) is based on the belief in the principal* that the thermal flow across the device will invoke an electrical current flow in the insolated Seebeck element. (* not yet fully understood)

The intensity of the electrical current flow will be driven by the ability of the cold side heat sink to aggressively pull the thermal flow through the device. This style of device may be well suited to operate in a high temperature application.

A flexible circuit design configuration may allow for the harvesting of energy with a compatible array stack of series and parallel options that may produce a meaningful output of electricity.

Seebeck Heat Exchange Module
Temperature Gradient       Seebeck effect
Standard Temperature Classifications
Reactivity Series       Harvesting Range
Electrochemical Cells       Oxidation/Reduction & Displacement
Molten Media Extraction

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