Thermal Waste Recovery

Overview       The Process

Primary Energy Sources
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Types of Thermal Reduction
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Thermal Reduction
Recovery 2.0 utilizes heat to perform the Thermal Reduction process to vaporize waste water and solid waste materials into a gaseous state and a recovered solid fraction. This type of waste decomposition is a method that allows the recovery of basic molecular elements.
The waste vaporization process involves a phase change in the feedstocks and the conversion into the various output products.

Recovery 2.0, uses a pyrolysis system as a processing method designed NOT to release open emissions but rather operates on a mass balance equilibrium basis where the output products are captured and recovered.


The Process
Recovery 2.0 involves a Two Step thermal reduction process, the Heating Stage and the Pyrolysis Stage.
The heating stage harnesses a primary heat source in a separate reverberatory chamber and transfers that heat into the pyrolysis chamber.
The pyrolysis stage is performed in an oxygen starved (restricted air free flow) environment designed to prevent combustion and the production of unwanted combustion by-products. Heat in the pyrolysis chamber is elevated past the point of vaporization of the waste feedstocks which are captured directly into the Recovery 2.0 working fluids pipelines.

The pyrolysis system Outputs are largely determined by the pressure, temperature and dwell time within the pyrolysis chamber and are captured in order to achieve or maintain a mass balance equilibrium.
Any primary heat stage emissions that may be generated are contained in a separate pathway and recovered or regenerated.

Two Stage Process

The working concept behind the Recovery 2.0 system is to design a functioning process that provides flexible options as to the pathways, incoming waste feedstocks and product outputs and to provide the ability to swap from one to another as seamlessly as possible.

In regard to the choice of primary energy sources the design needs to accommodate intermittent alternative energy sources while maintaining reliable and redundant production.
The flexibility to operate or switch between multiple sources that may run on a side by side, comparative basis, allows for an innovative and comparative environment to advance and develop improved methods and technologies.

Operating multiple independent Thermal Reduction Units simultaneously provides a unique opportunity to create unprecedented symbiotic efficiencies.

            Primary Energy Sources
                              used to drive the
                Thermal Reduction of Waste
Heat Source Description
Solar Concentrated Thermal Solar
Electricity Electric Resistance Heating
Microwave Focused Molecular Stimulation
Plasma Arc Energy   Ionic Plasma Vaporization
Oxy-Combustion Hyrdogen, Carbon or
Hydrocarbon Fuels
Energy Extraction
REDOX Reactions
- Oxidation & Displacement
      Other Recovered, Harvested or
other Alternative Energy

Heat Sources
Options for sources of heat range from combustion of fossil fuels or BioEnergy Renewables with emission capture.
The use of solid recovered carbon as a green coal substitute may be an ideal use case as a heat source.

Exploration of carbon free heat sources may be a desirable option with the use of Alternative Energy such as clean Electricity, Hydrogen or Concentrated Solar or more exotic options including Plasma Arc Energy.

Whichever primary energy source is chosen the Recovery 2.0 system relies on a Multi-Stage energy recovery process. An insulating envelope surrounding the thermal reduction units may maximize heat recovery potential.

Concentrated Solar
Wherever possible and geographically feasible the use of Concentrated Solar energy as a source to generate a high heat sufficient to drive the thermal reduction process makes sense.

Thermal solar energy may be focused onto a receiver that is designed to convert a thermal media into a high temperature heat transfer source adequate to preform the pyrolysis process within the thermal reduction chamber.
Any excess heat that is generated may be sent for thermal energy storage or may be used to generate electricity.
There are several opportunities to extract heat or electricity by Light Energy Harvesting.

Electric Heat, Radiant or Induction Heat (from external green electricity sources) may be sourced on demand. Electricity as a heat source has flexible variable temperature control.
Electricity may be tapped into from the internal Energy Management Control System and dispatched as prioritized.

The thermal reduction of waste materials using microwave energy may be an efficient pyrolysis process since you heat from the inside out. There is no need to heat the outer shell infrastructure of the furnace. Focusing direct heat on the waste feedstock will quickly pyrolysis the materials into a vaporized Hot Gas and a solid reside fraction.

Different waste feedstocks may be more or less receptive to Microwave Stimulation requiring the aid of a catalyst to enhance the Focused Molecular Stimulation. In some cases the blending of wastestreams may achieve the same result to replace the catalyst. In the early 1990s we would typically dose the incoming feedstock with recovered pyrolysis oil to kick start the speed of the reaction time.

Plasma Arc Energy
One interesting source of heat to drive the thermal reduction process is Plasma Arc Energy. Plasma Arc generates extreme high temperatures that can be focused on targeted localized areas.
An electric arc causes an Ionic Plasma reaction in the immediate surrounding environment (typically air or some other pre-selected gas) which results in emitting heat in the order of several thousand degrees °C.

Typical Plasma Arc systems may not be a two stage design, the electrode arc or plasma torch are commonly applied directly within the pyrolysis chamber. The extreme high energy and heat causes the waste materials contained within the pyrolysis chamber (or gasification furnace) to instantaneously vaporize.

This high temperature Vaporization may require some additional cleaning and refining steps if the plasma arc draws in air from the ambient atmosphere. Also the electricity source used to generate the Plasma Arc Heat is a critical factor in this method of thermal reduction.

The use of an Oxy Combustion processes combine with emission confinement and regeneration systems are a viable strategic method of driving a Thermal reduction operation with sustainable fuels.

Oxy-Combustion Fuels - Hydrogen, Carbon and Hydrocarbons

Hydrogen Recovery Yields
The use of Hydrogen as a primary energy source to begin the thermal reduction process is made possible by Hydrocarbon Splitting.
Harnessing Hydrogen energy as a fuel to heat a thermal reduction process provides an opportunity to evolve methods of combining carbon and hydrogen in the absence of oxygen to produce the required heat and a hydrocarbon output. This output may be cycled for the regeneration of clean hydrogen.

Recovered Solid Carbon
Recovered Solid Carbon represents the largest share volume of recovery yields from mixed wastestreams.
The Oxy-Combustion of Recovered Carbon provides a huge opportunity to develop a sustainable economy, based on an environmentally contained, centralized or decentralized regeneration cycle for waste treatment.

Hydrocarbon Fuels
The recovery of materials form a mix of various wastestreams results in a wide range of results depending on the contents of each individual wastestream and its source. The trends tend to be somewhat consistent for the types of wastestreams generated from the same sources.

Since most mixed Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) streams contain mostly a variety of Plastics, Paper, food and organic wastes, which at its fundamental or elemental root are just a mix of Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen. This group of basic building block materials, all together are classified as types of hydrocarbons.
The recovery of these hydrocarbon materials provide an opportunity to develop a range of intermediate products that may be used as sustainable fuels to replace traditional Fossil Fuels

Exothermic Energy Extraction
The use of Exothermic Energy Extraction is a method of harvesting heat to drive an neighboring endothermic process
Exothermic heat is generated from REDOX Reactions as elemental bonds are being formed. Our particular interest is focused around the Oxidation & Displacement process that occurs when refining metal oxides. A similar effect may be harvested from the Hydrometallurgy process of dissolving Metals in acid solutions in the Recovery procedure.

The process of forming Hydroxides also provides an opportunity to Extract Exothermic heat during the recovery of minerals and salts.

Alternative Energy
A variety of Alternative Energy sources and BioEnergy Renewables are a viable choice.

The choice of a select few fuel sources to provide the primary heat for the thermal reduction process may provide a unique solution through oxidation or controlled combustion. The oxidation emissions may be channeled into a closed pipeline and used as the working fluid and recovered into valorized products.
A Solid Carbon/CO2 Recovery Cycle may be ideal for this application, In addition Syngas may also be an option.

Fossil Fuels
The option to use traditional Fossil Fuels exists with a focus on the responsibility for the avoidance of combustion emissions.
Current efforts have shifted towards the potential use of what is referred to as Green Fuels such as Syngas (SNG), Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) or Methane (CH4). In the Methanation process, also known as Power to Gas, Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Hydrogen (H2) is converted into Methane (CH4). This is used as a direct substitute for traditional Natural Gas.

Conversion into Liquid Fuels such as Naphtha, Methanol and Ethanol are an expanding area of interest particularly in regards to the production of Transportation Fuels like Gasoline, Diesel and Aviation fuel.

Input Feedstocks
Typical raw inputs of wastestream feedstocks in the Recovery 2.0 thermal reduction process fall into two main classifications, liquids or solids.
The main volumes of liquids are in the form of Brine & Waste Water while the solids are generally referred to as Mixed Wastes

The Recovery 2.0 system is based upon the FULL pyrolysis process designed to break materials down into basic elements, as opposed to partial decomposition that only reduces waste into complex intermediate products. Full or complete pyrolysis accommodates a wide variety of waste inputs irregardless of the calorific values and may tolerate moisture contents up to 100%.

The input feedstock may be sourced from a wide variety of sources which will effect the content or mix of raw materials contained within that particular waste stream. This will determine the blend of product outputs.


Output Products
Typical pyrolysis outputs are in the form of both gas & solids fractions.
The gaseous phase vapors that are produced are collected and processed in the Hot Gas Refining system. The hot gas may be refined or condensed into a liquid fraction.
The solid residues are extracted as a solid fraction for further processing.


Once the first stage of the thermal reduction process is complete, the feedstocks proceed to the intermediary stages of Hot Gas Refining and High Temperature Refining. The materials are segregated into semi finished output products.
The challenge is to design for optimum operation by engineering a system that has the capability to swap from priority or default pathways as seamlessly and rapidly as possible and the ability to scale up or down each energy pathway module. Check-out Recovery 2.0

Hot Gas Refining       High Temperature Refining
Solid Fraction
novel approach
A Novel Recovery Approach

Novel Approach

Desalination       Brine     Water Purification
Resource Recovery
Flow Cell Implementation Opportunities

Bio-Refining       High Temperature Refining
Hot Gas Refining

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