Recovery 2.0
Thermal Waste Recovery

Condensing Stage
Standardized Condensing Method
Single Cylinder Modules       Multi Cylinder Modules

Condensing Ratio Reductions


Condensing Stage
The primary focus of the Thermal Waste Recovery process is to purify water by separating out the solid contaminates and mineral salts contained in the waste water and brine concentrates.
Since clean water is the primary desired product, once you have had the opportunity to extract energy in the steam stage, the spent steam needs to be condensed into liquid water.

            Standardized Condensing Methods

The operating theory of the Newcomen atmospheric steam engine/pump takes advantage of an over 1,600 to one volume reduction of water vapor condensing into liquid water thereby creating a partial vacuum which drives a pump.

The condensing process may yield harnessable energy to power a pump, to pump water or compress air or may be converted into rotary kinetic motion that may be used to generate electricity. This phase change energy may be harnessed as a Standardized Condensing Method.

Once the steam has been condensed into liquid water it still contains a large amount of energy in the form of heat. The heat energy may be extracted from the hot water through a heat exchanger in an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) or scavenging the Temperature Gradient in an thermal energy harvesting device.
Any remaining heat above ambient temperature may be dissipated into the incoming waste water feedstock to assist in the preheating process and add to the overall Recovery 2.0 system efficiency.

Waste Recovery Process     -     Brine & Waste Water

      Pathway Flow & Options
                  - Thermal Reduction
                            - Steam Stage
                            - Condensing Stage
                            - Water Phase
                            - Hydro Energy
                            - Water Pipeline

Condensing Modules

Standardized Condensing Method
            Single Cylinder Condensers       Multi Cylinder Condensers

Commonly a flow through heat exchange condensing system is used to perform the phase change of a working fluid. While this may be one efficient method to convert a gas into a liquid, it may miss the opportunity to harness energy from the naturally induced force.

The development of a standardized method to capture the energy generated by the rapid volume reduction and partial vacuum created in the condensing process is possible. A mechanism to induce a controlled batch condensing function that creates a pulsating cycle that may be converted into a pumping action.

A standardized Condensing module may be applied for a number of different working fluids where phase change is applicable.

The beneficial use of the harnessed pumping action may include implementation as a compressed air generator, water/hydro pump, a CO2 compression engine and has the potential for electricity generation.

Single Cylinder Condenser
A Single Cylinder Condenser may be used to harness the power of the phase change of a gaseous vapor into a liquid. Our common demonstration example is using the condensing steam into liquid water as a part of the recovery of clean water from brines and waste water.

The construction of a Cylinder system with control intake valves and exhaust valves are designed to collect and contain the steam. The cylinder houses a piston which is the heart of the condenser. When the steam is fully charged into the cylinder the intake valves are closed and the cooling cycle may begin.
The valves trigger the cooling flow within the charged cylinder which invokes a phase change of the steam into liquid water. The steam to water reaction is in excess of a 1600:1 ratio and this rapid volume reduction cerates a temporary vacuum effect within the cylinder. This allows the atmospheric pressure above the piston to drive the piston downward.

The piston is attached to balance beam with an offset counter weight that lifts the piston back up to the top of its travel range. So when the piston is driven downward from the vacuum effect the natural counter balance returns to the top of its stroke.
When the piston reaches the bottom of its stroke, the valves are opened and the water exits via gravity flow. As the piston returns to the top of its stroke it pulls steam in to refill the Cylinder and the cycle is ready to start again.

The balance beam, on its counter weight side, is attached to a pumping mechanism and may be used a to pump water or compress air. The compressed air may be stored or expanded on demand to meet any cooling needs as an ultra cold heat sink.

Remember that the primary goal of a Condenser Cylinder is to facilitate the conversion of condensable gas vapors back into its liquid phase.

Multi Cylinder Condenser
A Multi Cylinder Condenser may be used to harness the power of the phase change of a gaseous vapor into a liquid. The principles of a Multi Cylinder Condenser operates much the same as a Single stage system in regards to the functions within the condensing Cylinder itself. The main difference is a multi Cylinder system would be linked with a camshaft to enable the return of the piston positions back to the top of the cycle.

A Multi Cylinder Condenser operates much like the inverse of an internal combustion engine, fuel is not compressed and combusted to turn the crankshaft, instead the vacuum effect drives the rotational torque and motion.

Remember that the primary goal of a Condenser Cylinder is to facilitate the efficient conversion of condensable gas vapors into its liquid phase.

Volumetric Expansion Ratio
Sym Element Name Boiling
Point (C°)
Expansion Ratio
Ar Argon -185.8 847
NH3 Ammonia -33.34 850
CO2 Carbon Dioxide -78.46 535
He Helium -268.9 745
H2 Hydrogen -252.9 848
CH4 Methane -161.6 650
Ne Neon -246.0 1445
N2 Nitrogen -195.8 694
O2 Oxygen -183.0 862
H2O Water 100.0 1600
Evaporation / Condensing Volume Change

Standard Temperature Classifications
Reactivity Series
Seebeck Co-Efficient       Harvesting Range
Oxidation/Reduction & Displacement
Electrochemical Cells       Recovery of Metals from acid solutions Hydrometallurgy
Molten Metal Extraction

Desalination       Brine     Water Purification
Resource Recovery

Bio-Refining       High Temperature Refining
Hot Gas Refining

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